Monday, January 16, 2012

Voicemail Singapore

M1 1381
Calling from your mobile phone:
1. Call 1381
2. Enter your Password, if applicable (Default Password is 1234)

Calling from other phones:
1. Call 1381
2. Enter your mobile phone number
3. Enter your Password (Default Password is 1234)

Calling from overseas:
1. Call +65 9680 1381
2. Enter your mobile phone number
3. Enter your Password (mandatory). Default Password is 1234


1.    How can I access my mailbox?
If you are calling from your registered mobile phone, please dial 1303 and enter your password followed by the # key when prompted to do so.
If you are calling from other mobile or fixed line phones, you are required to enter your mailbox number (ie. your mobile phone number), followed by the # key. Thereafter, please enter your password followed by the # key, when prompted to do so.
2.    What do I do if I forget my password?
If you have forgotten your password, please call StarHub Customer Care at 1633 to request for a reset of your password. Your password will be reset to the default password (8888). Once you have logged in, you should change your password to protect your privacy.

1.    What is my mailbox number?
Your mailbox number is your 8-digit mobile phone number.
2.    What is my mailbox default PIN number?
Your mailbox default PIN number is 9999.
3.    Can I have VoiceMail with roaming?
We do not recommend you use VoiceMail when you are roaming because of potential incompatibilities between the systems.
4.    How can I access my VoiceMail when overseas?
You would need to make a call back to Singapore. Please remember to use the International Access Code or Country Code. In Malaysia, dial 02 followed by your mobile phone number (e.g. 02 9 630 1389).

You can access your VoiceMail from any telephone, mobile phone, pay phone, office or home phone, both locally and overseas.
Using your own fixed line phone registered with VoiceMail: 
1.   Call 
 (1305 locally) or 65 6799 1305 (from overseas) and wait for your VoiceMail to answer. 
Using phones other than your fixed line phone:
1.    Call 
 (1305 locally) or 65 6799 1305 (from overseas) and wait for your VoiceMail to answer.
2.    Enter your PIN followed by 
       Enter your fixed line number followed by 

       (Your initial/default PIN is 1122) 

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